Trauma And The Healing Of Your Nervous System

Q: I’m a breath worker and I love what I hear about the being, and of the opening and softening of the heart. I know that people get pushed out of shape by the emotional charge that is held in the body at a cellular level, and that is the deal with trauma.

John: Your cells match you. Trauma that is held in the body is a manifestation of what you’re being in your body. Trauma doesn’t hold together on its own, so trauma doesn’t actually need any therapy, any guidance, any freeing, any loosening. 

You being unconditionally gentled and quieted in your heart at absolutely any personal expense, in all of your life, heals trauma. There is no process for healing to engage. Healing, the healing of the mind, the emotions, the will, feelings, the body, the nervous system, is all a fruit of being. It doesn’t require someone. It doesn’t first require a releasing. 

Q: I would love to be able to shift that reality. It just seems like an enormously big ask, given what I see every day. It’s a huge reality shift.

John: It isn’t a big shift. It isn’t huge; it’s so small that thought, feeling, will or emotion aren’t capable of even seeing it.

The shift is in you, awareness, turning, without the use of thought, feeling, will, emotion or body: awareness directly turning into what it really is. If the turning back in, or the turning back into, what it really is is without the use of any form, it’s natural and it requires no time, no change at all of one’s space.

When you are absolutely done with healing, you heal without any movement. Healing is the result of you being what you really are in the midst of absolutely any mental or emotional condition. The nervous system follows. 

Q: That makes sense to me. 

John: The nervous system reflects everything that you have been in your past. 

The nervous system is made for what you really are: it’s made to register all you are as a being. We use it to register all that we think we are as distinct and separate selves. 

The nervous system turns into what we are being in it. 

Q: Thank you.


The Key To Your Soul’s Evolution

Q: I feel levels of depth in me. My question is: what is your definition of soul?

John: Remove all of your forms, the seen forms of your self, and there is awareness: you. Remove all of the other forms of your self, all of the unseen forms of your being, all of them perfectly reflecting you. With all of your forms removed, there’s just you: you, meaning; you, meaning aware. And you, meaning aware, are in a point of evolution.

Whatever that point is, is so good. With all of your forms removed, it will bring one form back. It’s the most important of all of your seen or unseen forms. It’s the form of yours that perfectly reflects your evolution as awareness. That form is your soul. Now bring all of your other forms back, all of the forms of your being, and then all of your seen forms, those of your self.

Your soul is evenly present within every one of your forms, regardless of their condition. As that form develops because you, meaning aware, are evolving, the tiniest change in your soul affects all of your forms. Because your soul is evenly present within all of your forms, it’s most difficult to see because it isn’t contrasted with anything else. Where you are aware or not aware, there your soul is. 

It’s the most difficult level of yours to see while you’re in a body. After you’ve died, it is the form of yours that shows more than any other form. It’s what is most radiantly visible. 

What directly relates to your soul is your relationship as meaning aware to what you know. It’s only as you’re being what you know that what you are evolves.

It doesn’t matter, from the perspective of your evolution as awareness, what your genetics are. It doesn’t matter at all what body you have, what parents you have, what past you have. It doesn’t matter at all what circumstances you’re in. It doesn’t matter, at all, anything that is done to your forms.

From this perspective, it wouldn’t matter at all what life you are in of the worst imaginable misfortune, ongoingly, and abuse, ongoingly. You can put it to any extreme. What first matters is not that. What first matters is that you, meaning aware, in the midst of all of that, are one with what you know. 

What happens, in that, is you, meaning aware, evolve massively. That would be like your evolution as awareness on quantum super-food. Not that you need it, but your soul would super-evolve. The development of your soul is what you are first in all of your form for.

Q: How is that connected to the dark nights of soul?

John: That is when all light is seemingly stripped from the levels that you’re aware of, and in that time, all that matters is: are you being what you know because of your soul? 

It means that if you deeply, deeply within, in this life, ask for the most, within your interior you are going to come into the worst. It’s what you dearly need for you to realize the depth of what you’ve asked for. 

The dark night, if you remain being what you know, accomplishes within your seen forms what is similar to what a fever does for your body. It cooks out everything you don’t need. If the fever doesn’t kill you, it makes your body better. In any case, without the fever you’ll die. 

The dark night is a terribly deep goodness fever. A lot of stuff will die. You won’t. You don’t need this night to come, but should it come, it’s a kindness. 

The Calling: The Most Powerful Truth Virus

Q: What is the calling and how does one surrender completely? What is the right expression of it? It seems that anything else is irrelevant.

John: Why do you bring up the calling? What is it to you?

Q: There’s something that I awakened to, and from that point on nothing else seems real and true.

John: When you are known, known from outside of your reality – outside of your reality as you experience and perceive it in your self, and also outside of what you have known in your heart – when you are known from a level that has no connection to this world, to your self, to anything of reality as you’ve have perceived it, that level awakens in you. The resonance of that level awakened in you pulls on you. It draws you, and as it does, your connection to every other level of meaning is immediately less than what calls you.

Everything you are capable of relating to, from that point on, is re-contextualized. You have awakened to a context that you know is beyond all else. Meaning in every other level of yours is immediately completely dependent on this other level, within, that you’ve awakened to.

Q: It seems that from that point on, when I made the choice, I have no choice.

John: You have real choice. Your real choice is that you respond. It’s a level of response in you that has nothing to do with how you are accustomed to making choice as a self. From the perspective of your self, your response is choiceless. There is nothing else for you. The meaning of everything is dependent on what you’ve awakened to. It’s dependent on what you know you are called to. You can no longer really be in anything without you coming from this. That brings this that you know you are called to into everything.

You realize that this is the meaning of everything that’s yours. This is the meaning of any direction that you can move in. When you come from this, this fills everything of yours. It fills everything that you do. You coming from this re-formats everything of yours, enabling what is yours to come into this just as you do, to turn into this just as you do.

As you pointedly respond to the calling, to the depth of its awakening in you, as you’re absorbed into it and you enter it, what you come into, what you see and how you see, is, in its essence, entirely alien to your self, but it is everything you know the truth of. It’s alien to your self, and for you it’s deep home.

That also gives you an idea of what is going to take place in your self and in your life as you continue to come from this. Your self and your life will become as this is. What is yours – your self and your life – becomes form of this.

The calling comes from the deepest level of your being, a level of your being that is so far removed from what your self is like that there is no relationship between the two. As you respond to that deepest level of your being, as you respond to what you know calls you, and your belonging shifts from your self to this level of you, this deepest level of your own being comes into your existence and has existence.

The deepest level of your being actualizes within the level and the space of your self, transforming it, making it usable for direct expression.

Q: What is the way to empower this movement?

John: By you warmly letting this that you’ve awakened to, that calls you, come into your heart, come into your self, come into your life, and let it warmly interfere with anything. Everything of yours is up for change: not on any terms of what you like or don’t like in your self, but on the terms of what you know the truth of within the calling.

It’s like letting in the deepest, most powerful truth virus. When you let it in, you know that there isn’t anything that it won’t affect. Letting it in accomplishes total change. Its influence and its movement are beyond cosmic. It puts you in what is deeper than cosmic response. It puts you directly into what is the balance of everything. It is the stream that is the perfect balance to everything.

Q: It seems to get stuck in a comfort zone from time to time.  How is it possible to continue the flow of the stream?

John: Relate to the calling, and you are immediately out of your comfort zone and you are in response. When you are in response to it, it begins to electromagnetically alter all of your forms, bringing your forms into a completely different frequency, enabling all of your forms on all of your levels to move as one, all moved by the deepest level of your being. 

As you shift to the calling, this level awakened and moving in you shifts everything of yours until everything is one, and moves as one.

There is only one real choice: you, awareness, from within everything that you are, being in entire response – not just to what you know, but to what you know in this. You become a different order. You come from and move as a different order. You function as a different order.

It is what everyone, in everything in this world, is secretly looking for, and from within its own experience must resist. Response to this reconstitutes everything. Let into all of this whole world, this would remaster this whole world. It wouldn’t even be this world anymore.

Q: What is the right expression of it?

John: One that your self as it presently is can’t comprehend. All that you have of it is what you know in this. You don’t comprehend what you know in the calling. All you know is the depth of it, its certainty, the truth of it, and that you belong in it; you belong to it.

After you’ve entered it, you begin to comprehend it. You enter it because you know it. You enter because you know. You don’t have anything else by which you enter. As you enter, your way of understanding completely changes. You understand because of what you’ve already become. Understanding is then not based on information in the way that you relate to understanding in your self. What you are, in what you are coming from, understands. You gain understanding because of moving in it. 

As your movement from within this changes what is yours, you understand. Anything in you not changed by this isn’t able to understand.

Q: Thank you.




Awakening And Shifting To A Greater Reality

Q:  When I’m together with my wife and she pours into me, I drop into deeper levels. I remember you saying that one has to move the energy within the levels to anchor this greater reality into this reality. How can I move that energy when I’m in the deeper levels? 

John: Awareness moves that energy by being the same as meaning in that level.  You won’t be able to move it at first. It doesn’t move as your body moves. It’s immaterial, and when you awaken to it, it moves a deeper level of you.

As you respond to that, as awareness responds to that by being the same, then this deeper level of movement in you becomes a deeper level in your body, and your body awakens to it, making that level in you real in your body. As it becomes real in your body it connects with what is outside of you, enabling you to know and see, perceive and experience that same deeper level that is present in anything. 

As the deeper levels open between the two of you, you awaken to knowing each other in ways that are not possible in your self. You realize what you are and what she is. Levels that are unseen in you and in her become known and seen. As you move with them, as you move together on those deeper levels, they become increasingly more physical. The more physical it becomes, the easier it is for you to find her in her body, transforming your knowledge of what is physical. The physical becomes, to you, inner-dimensional. 

It’s similar to the senses in your body. As the deeper levels open and they become physical, you come into new, real senses. These senses don’t pertain to what pertains in your self. These senses work with your own being. As you awaken to them, you realize and learn how to move as a being, within your body. You won’t be limited to your body. As you come into these deeper levels and they become physical in you, you are able as these levels to move into her, which also means into her body, and you would be moving these deeper levels in her body, making meeting together and communing multi-dimensional. 

All of this awakening opens more of your brain, enabling these other levels in you to register in your nervous system, making your body of use to your being, to you as a being instead of just to you as a self.

When greater reality opens, it doesn’t open directly into reality as we’ve known it. It opens into the deeper levels of reality that are not seen. It doesn’t open directly into the deeper levels of reality. That needs to open with awareness. It opens first where there is the largest spectrum of awareness. That possibility is first in people.

When the deeper levels open in you, they open in reality. The deeper levels of reality are not going to open independently of you. They are beautifully dependent on awareness opening, awareness opening in ways that are real, making it quickly physical. It becomes real in your body. What opens in a deeper level that is in you, opens in your body. 

The reality of your body reflects the reality of you. As your deeper levels open because you’re having entrance to your own being, your body opens and your body begins to function as your being functions. You come into multiple levels of functionality, enabling what is unseen in you to move within what is seen in you.

Greater reality cannot open into reality without reality being at that developmental stage where reality is ready. And even when it is ready, it doesn’t open directly into reality. It opens into and through people, making greater reality practical in reality. 

Q: So I have to connect with as many people as possible to help facilitating, and going deeper?

John: It isn’t in quantity. It is in qualities peculiar to your being, with you moving as a being, connecting with precisely the same, the same level of your being and the same region of your being, directly with another. That awakens the other. That awakening isn’t dependent on their awareness. It’s dependent on yours. 

When you move as a being, aware, without any use of your self, and you know another, you’re connecting to the same in that other that you are coming from in you. That connection brings their awareness to that level in them, constituting awakening. They know where they are known by you, enabling them to know what they haven’t known before.

The more you are known, the more you know. When you are known on a level that you have never been aware of before, that level in you awakens to your awareness. You become connected to an unseen level in you and, as you connect to that with awareness, you know what you haven’t known before. You know more, and you know differently. 

This awakening in you, as it opens into your body, opening the same level in your body that has been opened in you, shimmers through the structures of reality, awakening them, opening them, taking reality into its next developmental stage.

That shift in development is a fundamental shift in reality.