Your Sexuality: The Making Of Love Or Separation

Q: Can sex be a pure expression of love? Whenever I have a relationship and it involves sex, something always goes wrong. I don’t know how to solve this.

John: By being in your sexuality without connecting the movement of your sexual energy to your self. Your sexuality belongs to your being. As long as you use it for your self, connect it to your self or reference your self in it, you keep it separate from your own being.

Your sexuality is designed so that when sexuality moves, it moves your being and when your being moves, that moves your sexuality. When it’s directly connected to your being, each moves the other. Then, as your sexuality moves, the levels of your self naturally align. Through its movement all of your levels align.

Q: I’ve never experienced that. I guess there’s a real separation in me.

John: Then begin with warmly being in your sexuality without doing something with it. The moment it turns into an attraction or an aversion, you’re cycling your sexuality through your self which keeps it separate from your being, because you have use for it. Even aversion to it means you have use for it.

Be in your heart as your sexuality is activated without doing something with that activation, so you’re just simply in it while you’re in your heart. Whether it increases or decreases makes no difference to you. The difference for you is that you’re in your heart. It isn’t about your experience of it.

Q: Is it about my experience of others, or not?

John: It’s not. It belongs to your being and it belongs to love. The movement of your being is love. Remain in your sexuality; leave out the sex. Your body needs to become re-patterned so that the movement of sexuality doesn’t hinge on your self and how you experience your self; it directly hinges on your own being. When you have sex your body is in a self-performance, which keeps your sexuality to your self.

Q: Can you say more about how it’s connected to love?

John: Every aspect of sex in its physicality and in its movement belongs to love, and belongs to your being. If you’re not living directly connected to your being, then you’re left with a surface level of sex and sexuality. You can’t go deeper in that without all of you going deeper. It needs to be your whole life. You can’t go deeper in one particular area of your self. You can slowly come into deeper levels of your sexuality, but if you have sex you won’t because of the patterning that already exists in your nervous system and in your body.

Q: Can this be with anyone, or does it have to be with somebody you definitely love?

John: Not with just anyone. Your reasons for having sex have been reasons that you can’t find in your own being, so when you engage sex you engage separation and you’re making separation physical. You’re not making love; you’re making separation.

Q: Yes, that’s why I’m scared of opening it up. I just make it worse. What shall I do?

John: Focus your entire life’s energy very quietly, very softly on awakening and realization.

Q: Will this solve my separation?

John: It’s not going to solve anything. It isn’t to solve anything. It is your return.


What’s The Right Path For Me?

Q: Four years ago I retired from work and I felt the need to travel all over the world, thinking that this was to support my spiritual journey. I’ve kept on travelling and sometimes I feel that I’m a bit lost. Can you help me find out if I’m on the right path for what I have to do?  

John: When you look into a baby’s eyes you’ll find the qualities that you’re looking for. Identify within your heart what you are seeing from your heart, and exist to embody that. 

There is not an appropriate practice. A practice will have you doing something that is more limiting within than what you are looking for within. It is much more simple to be absorbed by tenderness within, giving you very tender seeing. A system of belief or practice will only distract you from what you are actually looking for.  

What you are looking for within is as simple and as obvious as what you would find in a baby’s face. Let such fine qualities very gently permeate everything that you are. That is how you unveil, within, where it is that you came from and what it is that you’re looking for.  

You are not actually lost. You just do not have, within your view, your first love within. You’re looking because you know that it’s there, but it is much more simple, and wonderful, and obvious than you thought.

Instead of looking for something big, be open to see what is very subtle. It is all within the subtle. When that is your seeing, then it is obvious to see.

It is not something to look for. It is something to presently enjoy.  


The Touch Of The Beloved Within

Q: I find it so helpful when you speak of openness and softness of heart, and that all I need is to access the teeniest bit. It relaxes me out of the suffering and stories in my self, yet it’s so easily forgotten. Can you speak more about it?

John: When you are gentled and quieted in your heart, all there really is is that tiny little bit that you know the truth of. That tiny little bit isn’t an understanding; it is the beginning of most delicate beingness.

As you respond to it, you are opening and softening. That’s the beingness you’re responding to. You respond to it by being it. That rested configuration of your being is what you know and what you respond to. It is beingness that you directly know the truth of. Your response to it completes you because that tiny little bit of beingness is complete.

If this tiny touch of beingness would be all that you knew for the rest of your life, you would have it all. To embody that tiny little bit would be everything. That tiny little bit that you know the truth of when you’re gentled and quieted in your heart is your being. 

As you enter it, you realize your being. As you turn into that tiny little bit, you discover the beloved.


Speaking Without Fear

Q: I’m afraid to speak in front of people. When I was a child I didn’t speak and I want to learn how to do it.

John: You have a difficulty with speaking because speaking makes you vulnerable. It makes you feel exposed and unsafe. Feeling exposed and unsafe when you speak doesn’t stop or slow you in speaking if your value in speaking is more than feeling safe. 

Be in your heart and speak from your heart. Speaking from your heart will expose your self as being smaller than your heart. That’s why you don’t like to speak. You have been trained by others not to speak because when you would speak, something comes back to you: someone gives you a strange look, or says something to you that doesn’t feel good because of what you’ve spoken, so then you become apprehensive in speaking. You become afraid of speaking. 

When what is true in your heart means more to you than speaking or not speaking, you’ll not speak when it is true to your heart for you not to speak, and when it is true to your heart for you to speak, you will speak.

Out of all of the discomfort that speaking puts you into, you will still speak. 

From Boy To Man: Integrating Masculine Sexual Energy

Q: You’ve recently spoken about what being woman is and I’ve been wondering whether it’s really the same to be a man.  

John: At the very base of it, yes. When awareness integrates consciousness, it doesn’t just enter into being both man and woman; it enters into being everything.  

Q: That seems very easy.

John: The only thing in the universe that does not cooperate with what is natural and easy is want and need.   

Q: It’s not easy going past those two when out in the world! 

John: For okayness it’s easy. Okayness within finds it effortless.

Okayness cannot comprehend the energy of want. Okayness can be curious, okayness can desire. Okayness cannot comprehend want. Want is created when you mix personal insistence with desire. When you’re not using your power, then desire is clean. 

When you use your power in needing to have what it is that you cleanly desire, then what you have is want. Desire all on its own, without being mixed with personal insistence, is entirely clean. It has no hook in it, because okayness is this way (John opens and extends his hand) with desire. Desire is the new awakenings that come from within, in okayness. When that awakening is mixed with the need to have – that it must have – then it’s no longer desire. It’s want and need.  

What turns a physical boy into a physical man is the physical integration of hormones. Your body may be integrating those hormones but that doesn’t mean that what you are as awareness is integrating the energy of those hormones. Just because there is a man’s body it doesn’t mean there is a man there. It’s the same with a woman. 

When you integrate as awareness the sexual energy that comes from your body, that takes you apart – as long as you’re not doing something with that energy. Just being in it, as is, takes you apart and reveals the deep in you. Being in that without needing to do something with it turns a boy into a man. That opens up the deep in you, and when you’re just being in it, as is, then your own deep seasons you.   

As you are integrating your innermost because you are being settled in the deep without needing to do something, such integration of the deep manifests itself in breadth. You grow up to be a wide, high, strong tree that isn’t pretending anything. It’s all real.   

Using sexual energy for one’s self, being in sexual energy with self-interest, turns one’s self into being a counterfeit man: a taker and a user. Using sexual energy makes one the centre of the universe and no longer part of it. Being in such energy without needing to do something with it takes all of the patterns apart that you received from your ancestors, those patterns that need to be the centre of things. The experience of it is that it is taking you apart, and you are very gently being in that, letting it do whatever it does without doing something with it.  

Then your real power reveals itself as being natural gentleness that is rooted deep. It is that that knows what a man is: strength letting itself be gentle, instead of strength being strong in order to have or get something. To the depth that you integrate your sexual energy by being in it without needing to do something as it takes you apart, as it cooks you, it is to that same degree that you have integrated being deeply in your body.

A counterfeit man uses power and takes power, and that is how he loses it all. A real man very gently gives power. He can give it because he’s integrated it. It’s only what is integrated that can be given, and everything that is integrated naturally extends itself. It naturally gives itself away. You realize your real power when you become aware of it without needing to do something with it, without using it. 

Integrated power moves as deeply rooted love. Non-integrated power, when it is being open and soft, when it is relaxed, is love, but it is not yet rooted in what it really is, so then it is fragile love.  

Want and need in the context of feminine energy manifests itself as genius being manipulative. It knows how to use softness and openness to get exactly what it wants, using the very essence of what it is to gain an advantage, to have something. Want and need in the context of masculine energy uses its genius outright to push and take what it wants.

Both energies within one’s self are to be integrated by this: being in all of the energies present without want or need, being in them as is without needing to do something for one’s self, within, with that energy – just being one’s self within in the midst of every kind of energy.     

Q: It’s so challenging to remain in that when there are all sorts of energies coming at you, when there’s no focal point to guide and keep you there. 

John: It’s being in every kind of energy with your feet deeply in what you are as a being, while the rest of your body of awareness is receiving all of that energy in whichever way it affects you, without ever taking a step out of what you are as a being, or using that energy to create an advantage to get something just because you want something.  

When your feet are deeply inside what you are as a being, then without effort you’ll be and do only what you know, right from your feet in the deep. Then it is what your feet are in that is nourishing your head. Then your thinking matches where your feet are. If your feet are planted in want or need then that is what fills your head.