A Poetic Fragment: Pregnant With A Deeper Level

Q: For me to have the new code of a relaxed awareness, I need to encompass more.

John: Then love not from yesterday.

Q: What I’m looking for, would that be by awareness alone, without the use of my mind?

John: What you’re looking for is awareness moving by a different body, a body of yours that’s deeper than the one you’re used to. The movement of that body isn’t confined to the body you’re used to.

Q: I shared with you a dream I had of being pregnant. I know the quality of that body in experiencing it in the pregnancy of that dream. Since that dream I’m in-filled by the beauty of that body.

John: In your dream, you wanted so badly to deliver. Instead of being pregnant, you wanted to deliver. You deliver by moving as what you are pregnant with. Move by a different body, a deeper body of yours. That’s what you’re pregnant with. You’re pregnant with the knowledge, the direct knowledge of a deeper level, a deeper level of you, and also with the substance of that level.

Q: A few days after we talked about that dream, I had one more dream in which I experienced that kind of movement. The moment I use that body, I have it.

John: As you use it, your past no longer confines you. Your body and your self don’t limit you. This deeper body moves by different laws.

Quietly Visionary

Q: I have insomnia now for four years, and I was wondering if there’s anything that I can do in my daily life to positively contribute to falling asleep, instead of me relating to tension and stress, to see that there’s an opportunity to open. We’re living in such a crazy world and the only way for me to relate to it is to relate to what I know in me. What can I do to step up? Instead of me being able to relate to difficulty as an opportunity for me to open, there are moments that I would like to walk away. I sometimes wonder if it’s necessary to know questions like ‘why are things happening?’  If words could tie all this together for me to move forward, I would love to hear them.

John: Make your life more about what you see than what you understand, while you are more about what you know than what you see. You see because you know; you understand because you see.

When you, in your life, are quietly visionary, you’ll be coming from a deeper self, instead of your usual self, your accustomed self. Your deeper self matters more than the self you’re accustomed to. If you’re coming from your deeper self as you live, your accustomed self will be changing. You won’t be relying on your accustomed self. Your accustomed self is guided by your deeper self, while you within your deeper self are moved by what you know. Your day isn’t dependent on what you’re experiencing. Your day hinges directly on your deeper self, because your deeper self plugs into you, knowing.

Q: This quietly visionary would that be for me in daily life to contain what I first think as being overwhelming?

John: Instead of being overwhelmed, you see. If you’re overwhelmed, you’re dependent on what you’re experiencing and you’re dependent on what you understand, but you see so much more than what you understand. See, instead of being overwhelmed.

Your day is all about the more that you see, not what you understand. Your feet are in what you know, while your hands are occupied with what you see. In the accustomed self, when you lose sight of your deeper self, your hands will be full of want and need. When you’re coming from your deeper self in your day, your hands are working with what you see. Your walk is in what you know. Your work is in what you see. Your work is because of your walk. Your work isn’t about what others see you do. Your work is all about what you know you do.

When your day is from your deeper self, you comprehend the times as being good. Goodness has no opposite. It’s authentic life. In whatever comes your way in your day, it’s goodness you know. While you, beneath it all, are timeless.

Love seeing because you know. Seeing is the richness of knowing. And love understanding because you see; understanding is the richness of your seeing. Because of that direction, within, there’s richness of manifestation. While your direction is within, you produce outwardly.

You receive because you’re open. In being open, you’re attuned to goodness. In all that life brings you, you know and you see goodness. Your accustomed self meets and turns into your heart, while your deeper self produces what is in your heart. Your accustomed self melts into your heart, while your deeper self melts into others.