Quieted in Your Sexuality

Q: I had a dream I want to share. There were two men that wanted to kill me and I did everything I could to hide, to escape. I stole a car and left them behind. Finally I found the place very remote and hidden where I was safe, and the men were waiting for me, and said, ‘hello, here you are.’ I knew they were going to kill me, and I knew I was able to stop the dream, but there was some kind of curiosity to see how it would go and they killed me. It was only quiet. I woke up and the first thought I had was ‘I could have had that quicker and easier without all that running and hiding and trying to escape.’ Is that something that I would see on my deathbed if I don’t immediately, fully respond to what I know?

John: Yes, in your dream you need only to be you and not what you’re thinking and feeling. When in your dream you were simply being you, there’s nothing for you to fight or run away from. When you are simply being you, everything stops, you relax, and everything that’s taking place toward you doesn’t threaten you.

In your dream, you’re an irritant to your self, and you in your self react to you irritating your self, so you’re playing out these two parts. When you completely relax in your dream, there are no longer two parts. There’s no longer any kind of game. There’s just you profoundly okay as is.

Q: Was the curiosity a kind of relaxation? It was clear to me what would happen and there was no fear.

John: That’s because you were relaxed in what you knew. You were relaxed in you. When you are being you instead of what you think and feel in your self, you don’t fear, you can’t relate to fear, and you love.

Q: For some time now I don’t hear with my physical ears, but with other kind of ears in my belly or beneath my belly, moving there and activating something. I hardly can feel my heart, so do I have this kind of ears in my belly because my heart centre is closed?

John: You have it lower because your heart is opening, even if you can hardly feel it.

Q: When you said everything is pounding open, it feels like since then I was closing on some level. On another level it feels like something different is opening, but it comes from beneath the heart. This is a different opening now, from some years ago. It feels more direct and real. There is a sense that something is coming together. This really has to do with me.

John: It’s a deeper level of your base chakra that is opening. When you are fundamentally quieted, within, and that quieting begins to stabilize your self, when it begins to quiet your self, your own foundation shifts. Your foundation ceases to be about security and it begins to open into a deeper level. Your foundation begins to move as your own deeper womanness. The well-being of your self begins to come from your deeper womanness.

Q: Womanness has to do with the base chakra, and with sexuality?.

John: A surface sense of security has to do with the surface of your womanness. When you are all about your security in your self, you’ll be living in a surface level of your womanness, which is a masculine use of womanness. As your heart opens and the opening of your heart begins to settle deeper into you and deeper into your self, your deeper heart opening, as little as it may seem to be, begins to affect your sexuality in a way that’s uncommon to you. It’s a different level of your sexuality that moves.

Q: Yes. It has less to do with sexuality I am familiar with, but feels more like a basic life energy.

John: It’s a nurturing life energy. As that moves, there’s nothing for you to do with it. All there is is for you to be warmed in it. Be warmed while your lower energy center opens from within a deeper level. It’s a deeper level of that energy center. For you to be in the midst of that in the same way you know to be in your heart, just quietly warmed, what you really are gets to come a little bit more into form and have more substance. Your own being through that level is beginning to come into your body and into your experience in a way that is thicker. It’s your own being having fuller access into your existence, your being coming into existence.

Q: I have a really subtle sense of that.

John: Within that subtle sense you realize that the movement of your sexuality is subtly different, and it’s that difference that has your attention. It’s within that subtle difference, because it is of a deeper level, that when your sexuality moves, your being moves. It’s there that your sexuality is directly connected to your being. That’s not the level of sexuality that you’re accustomed to. This level of your sexuality doesn’t address your self. It doesn’t move your self. It subtlely moves your being. It’s the beginning of your sexuality belonging to your being.

As this becomes stronger and stronger, if you remain quieted in it and gentled in it, like an openness and a softness of heart, in the midst of it, the more that your sexuality moves on that level, the more your being is moved. In this way, through your own sexuality and its movement, your being is drawn up into your heart because that’s why it moves, and from there your being is drawn up into your self.

Then what begins to take place is that everything that deeply touches your heart moves your deeper sexuality. It moves your sexuality in the way that you’re awakening. As your sexuality moves, your being moves. As your being moves, your sexuality moves. The flow is like a figure of 8, instead of what you’re accustomed to of your sexuality, that when your sexuality moves, your self is activated, so the loop of sexuality moves in your self and stays in your self. In this awakening, your sexuality is connected directly to your being. Any movement of your being moves your sexuality. Any movement of your sexuality moves your being.

Q: And that is a loop?

John: The figure of 8. If you reference your self within this movement, you begin to break the connection, making the movement of your sexuality about your self. Your sexuality on a deeper level in the way that it’s opening is all about how nurtureful your own being is, and how the movement of your own being settles your self. The movement of your own being brings about a deep level of quietness in your self. In that, when your sexuality moves, your being moves. When either moves, your self becomes quiet and there’s a profound listening in your self. Within your self you can hear. You can hear a level of meaning. You’re attentive to a level of meaning that’s transforming you.

Q: So, this is why I have the sense of hearing differently?

John: Yes. For this to move in your body is safe. There isn’t anything for you to do with it. It moves in whichever way it does and you are simply warmed in it. When you’re warmed in it, it is your own being that continues to move as your sexuality moves.

Q: It’s drawing me deep down, but it’s only safe as long as the figure of 8 is not interrupted.

John: The figure of 8 in all of its movement is real and good and safe. It’s your own being coming into your body, coming into manifestation, and it’s changing your sexuality. It’s bringing your sexuality back to what it belongs to. It’s like a second puberty, but this time it’s a profound awakening. It is you going through puberty again because of the movement of your own being. The basis of it isn’t what your sexuality was about before. It isn’t the same as what the movement of your sexuality was before.

If it moves powerfully, don’t be alarmed by it. If it moves powerfully, you’re fine. It doesn’t matter how powerfully the figure of 8 moves, it’s all profound goodness. You’re safe in it. You don’t need to do anything with it. It doesn’t matter what you think and feel about it. What you know in it of its depth and its quality, that’s what you’re saying ‘yes’ to; that’s what you’re resting in; that’s what you’re warmed in.

This is going to bring up a depth of womanness that isn’t characteristic of your self. It’s altogether deeper and more than your self. This brings up a level of womanness, a depth of real womanness, that you’re not experienced in. You need no prior experience. By opening and softening in your heart you know your way in this.

Q: It feels like you’re opening a new land that’s laying in front of me.

John: Live in this land. It’s your new ground. Its movement is based completely on you just simply remaining in your heart. Regardless of how this can be of any kind of turbulence to your self or in your self, you remain gentled and quieted, warmed in your heart, and all is good. It isn’t just a different sexuality. What comes with it into your self, into your body, and into your life, is a different reality. It’s the reality of your being landing in your self. Everything that it lands in, it changes. If you were ninety years old and this occurs, it would be the same. It’s a different level of your body that moves by different laws. They’re laws by which your being moves. Without these laws, your self couldn’t even exist, even though your self is not yet coordinated with these laws.

Read moreQuieted in Your Sexuality

Quiet Wonderment In Sexuality

John: Going underground is you responding to what you know but don’t yet understand. That brings you into what is unseen underneath your self, deeper within than your self, and then growing from there like a seed. Eventually what grows comes up into your self. It isn’t first understood and seen. It is known and relaxed into. At first it is sheltered from your experience. It comes into your experience after it has taken root, making the experience not based on what you’re accustomed to in your self, and it will change your self because you are rooted in and coming from what is deeper. As you come from this, you give him access to this in you, forming a relationship that is first based on what you know, cannot see, and don’t understand. That gives him direct access into the truth in you, sheltered from your selves and then brought into your selves.

Q: That has a lot to do with losing control in my experience.

John: Giving control to what you know but cannot yet see or understand; you giving control to the truth you know in you. You’re not losing it; you’re giving it. It puts you into dearness with your darling.

Q: Having a relationship first based on what you know, cannot see, and don’t understand.

John: A relationship not based on your selves. It grows out of what is deeper than your selves. It isn’t based on likes and dislikes, but love that comes from the deep. There you don’t first see each other: you know each other. Out of the seeing that comes from that, you eventually come to understand each other. With the first understanding, you forgive each other of what selves you have. That makes room for your selves and your selves are no longer a problem.

It is the environment within which you have your beings together. Love, instead of being unseen, is between the two of you made physical. The levels of your being made real in your selves through your body. Multi-levelled bodies realized. Love isn’t a feeling. Love is how movement is in your being. It’s how your being moves. From what you’re familiar with in your self, you cannot first see it. It comes into your self and becomes seen as you move as the levels of your own being.

Because you are in a body when you move by these levels, they become physical. Instead of being a body of your self, you are a body of your being, filling the body of your self. The infilling transforms it, enabling your self to move as your being moves, and love is then seen.

Q: Does it need to be expressed? At times I feel that it really is much more than sexual desire. It costs more than that.

John: It doesn’t relate to sexual desire and appetite. It relates to your deeper sexuality, your real capacity from within your being to meet and commune. Real sexuality is streams of being comprehended in your body.

Q: Is it giving each other your awakening through your body?

John: Yes.

Q: We’re coming into something of this, and for me, until I sat here, it felt just out of my reach.

John: Then you can’t have it. You can respond to it. As you respond, you reconfigure. As you even a little bit become like your being, you find her everywhere in her body.

Q: How can I respond to it better or more?

John: Begin with dearness. Dearness in you finds her and, in any little way she moves as dearness, you read her and receive her. Your streams of being are what you have to move that in you, in her, and together. Sexuality isn’t for your selves; it’s for your beings.

Q: We give it to our beings in every way we can, and it can take a long time for us to be our beings.

John: To come into it, it doesn’t require maturity. It requires purity. Dearness brings you into purity.

Q: What’s dearness?

John: Heart extension. It cannot occur without you being in your heart and being what you know in your heart. From there, any movement toward each other is the simplest form of love. You are purely dear to each other, despite what selves you have, despite what conditioning and past you have.

Q: And that’s the same as being home, when you’re being in all of your heart and all of what you know in your heart?

John: Yes. Home together without a process. Home together in response to each other. You’ll know each other and you’ll see each other. The effect of that on your selves is quiet wonderment, present in your selves in a way that is not informed by any past. What makes it exquisite is that it’s pure.

Q: Do you need a clean sexuality all the way through for it to be pure?

John: Don’t begin with anything you’re accustomed to. If you do, you misunderstand. Begin in your heart and find the same in her. Begin in your heart, the two of you together and wonderfully inexperienced.

Q: I love the purity.

John: Of course you do. It’s what you really are.

Read moreQuiet Wonderment In Sexuality

Making Real Human Love

Q: Yesterday I decided to really take to heart that you don’t need your self or your past to make love. I found that my body, deeper levels in my self, kept opening and opening, there was a point where there was a barrier and I just kept going, opening and opening and moving through this apparent barrier, and when I did that, I experienced complete ecstasy, and at the same time I started to cry and it was like my heart was breaking for everything I’d taken to heart or believed to stop me going where I went. I have some questions that relate to such an opening and I think it relates to what you were saying to Raissa about deeper sexuality and the subconscious and opening up into consciousness and I’d also really love to ask you about humanness, what you mean by that.

John: Your humanness opens up in the way that you relate within reality to everything and everyone when you are opening and softening in your heart, when you are unconditionally in your heart. Humanness has little to do with your self and everything to do with the opening of your heart into and through all of your self. Your sexuality is your engine in that. It is the engine of your humanness.

When you are not opening and softening in your heart in the midst of your sexuality, when your heart opening and softening isn’t moving into and through your self, sexuality becomes the engine to a self-orientation, securing you not being in your heart, posturing you within your self within attraction and aversion. When you are unconditionally opening and softening in your heart in the movement of your sexuality, that movement, the energy of your sexuality, opens you into a depth of humanness, a depth of reality understood from within a heart-understanding. The movement of your own being fills and fulfills your presence in your heart and your heart-understanding.

Q: I still don’t really have a sense of what humanness is. It kind of seems strange saying that, like a fish asking what water is. We are in our humanness. It’s our true nature.

John: When you are opening and softening, yes. When heart-understanding, your humanness, moves through your self, non-result-oriented kindness moves; authentic kindness moves. As it moves, it is through realized humanness that you comprehend others, which is different from how people are together. Your sexuality connected to your being opens your humanness.

Q: That authentic kindness is authentic love? I have wondered for a long time how making love makes love.

John: The deeper levels of you move the deeper levels of your body, moving the deeper levels of your self, making love physical within the level of your self. It makes love physical in your self. It makes your self like your being, you reproducing your being in your self.

Q: Is that different from the humanness and the authentic kindness that you were speaking of?

John: It accomplishes pure human love, pure human beingness. Your being realized within your self, moving as your self.

Q: Becoming aware of what’s in the subconscious is becoming aware of anything that would hold us back from full expression of what you’re saying?

John: For you to become deeply and fully human, your subconsciousness needs to have free access into your conscious self so that there’s no longer a need in you for there to be a held difference between the two. Then there is just your self, known by you, all occupied with your being-filled heart, a realized and functional human being.

Q: What does it take to let go of that holding, the separation of the subconsciousness and the consciousness?

John: You, in your self, freed of attraction and aversion.

Q: And how is that brought about?

John: By you unconditionally being in your heart, opening and softening. You responding as a being within your self, instead of you within your self moving by attraction and aversion.

Q: I love what you’re saying, John. In some ways it seems quite big, and I keep hearing what you said to me years ago. You said, ‘this isn’t daunting. This is love’.

Read moreMaking Real Human Love

A Shift in What is Human

Q: John, I remember you said for me to gather up all the different seeds of awakening that I’ve been in and to be staid in them. In the meeting it felt like everything gathered in, and it was like I was in my perfect body of knowledge. There was no connection anymore with the stains in myself. My whole perspective was turned inside out and I was in this perfect body of knowledge, and when I’m in it, I see that even when I drop out of it, that the body of knowledge is perfect. When I’m in it, there’s this life to move in. When I spoke with you that afternoon I was in this deep level of love, and it was a kind of love that was about letting everything fall apart.

John: As the seeds of awakening grow from within your heart, they grow into your self, creating and manifesting a different order of self, one that matches the code and the movement of your own being. Anything in your self that is able to relate through tension will eventually be replaced. These seeds of reality, a deeper reality, are not of your self, but of your being. These seeds represent a self-version of your own being at present. They will be counter to how you normally experience your self. They represent a completely different way of relating, being, and moving than what you’re used to in your self. As you are staid in that, it takes the place of familiarity. By that, your being comes into ability within the level of your self. You will be able to move your being outside of your self. Your self comes into the form and the function of your own being, a complete shift in the evolution of what is human, and the emerging of a fundamental shift in reality.

Q: I feel as if my self can’t actually contain the resonance of that, but your speech awakens these seeds in us. It’s like you actually give us the seeds of our future selves.

John: I come from where you’re going. My movements directly awaken your knowledge of that. It takes you out of the stain in your self. You then experience in your self that you are no longer of those stains. The stains no longer have you. It’s when they don’t have you that they no longer hold. As long as the stains have you, you move by them; you feel and think by them. They continue to make your perception of reality, making your reality in your life different from your own being. Your movement in that separates you from your own being.

Q: The stains also remind me of blind spots. It’s the same thing, like when you were speaking about my blind spots in my marriage. I remember when I was experiencing tension with my husband, and I experienced you energetically kind of enter the room. It was like a goldenness came into my living room, and everything of that difficulty was gone. That’s the quality of the movement when I was in my perfect body of knowledge. It’s like a quantum movement as opposed to the normal kind of linear movement. It goes way beyond the self.

John: It comes into form on the level of the self. All of the function that you have as a self gives you an idea of how your own being is able to come into a full function that is comprehensible in your self. However you imagine it, that does give you an idea. You know the resonance.

Q: I can’t consult anything that I think or feel. My self is trying to advise me all the time.

John: Consulting your self in this is comparable to an engineer moving in his or her own expertise and then asking a child if the work is correct. There’s nothing wrong with the child, but addressing the child requires something of the child that the child isn’t capable of. It creates confusion.

Q: What’s the difference between how I move now or how I described to you all those years ago, just after I met you, those four days when I was just flowing and my being was coming through and it was affecting everything. How is that different now?

John: That was a precursor, and now it’s all there. What was moving as a precursor now completely belongs in what you’re stepping into. It’s a real part of what makes up your fundamental shift in what is, for you, human.

Q: When you say the word human, I really love it. There’s a quality to that word, a heart quality. There’s an intimacy to it. It’s like it’s really me, somehow. Can you say more about ‘human?’

John: It is your ability to reach into others that accomplishes in them a ‘yes’ that is a match to their own being. When what you are as human fundamentally shifts and holds, your movement as a self awakens others.

Q: Right now I sense that awakening others is more about not belonging to that network.

John: Your own being, through that shift, moves through that network. Every pathway, made and used by conditioning, your being will move through. It won’t be stained by what has moved in those pathways. With the level of form that you can comprehend in your self, your being will move.

Q: By that do you mean that the movement of my being will be as intimate and natural and really there as the movement in my self now?

John: Yes, with the level of form and function that your self has. When a city is inundated with water, the water will move in all of the streets. Every pathway that has been made will be used. It doesn’t matter the reason of its making.

Q: Those pathways have been made for the purposes of that city. The self was made for the purpose of the self to function in the self-world.

John: It identifies for others, not just within their hearts but within themselves, what they always knew the truth of and didn’t know how to do. The different kind of movement within old pathways directly administers ‘the how.’

Q: So, in a sense, as a group here, that’s what we’re learning to build.

John: Yes.

Q: And I can really see that it’s started to happen in meeting with other people. We’re beginning to use those old pathways in different ways, more in the ways that we’ve been awakened to. And in the same you said to gather up all the different seeds of awakening, is there some way of gathering-up?

John: The gathering-up on a group level is the manifestation of what is unseen into the surface, comprehended within a person, moved within a person, while seen by others. As that keeps taking place, we all slowly comprehend with real form, real function, what is occurring here.

Q: So when someone is really moving in what they know, others can directly take that in.

John: Yes.

Q: And this can only happen by knowing, if we know the truth of that.

John: Yes.

Q: It reminds me of when you were speaking to a woman describing when she was in her 20’s and she was kind of heartbroken and just saying without knowing why, ‘I just want to go home, I just want to go home,’ and then finding a home in this. The other part of it is in gathering all of that together. The other day I wasn’t trying to gather any bit of it. It was as if I was gathering my whole body together. Is that just one way of gathering?

John: The movement of your own sexuality if your sexuality is directly connected to your being.

Q: How I’m understanding what you’re saying is that there’s something about sexuality, like a special connectivity between everything. Is that right?

John: It’s there to connect everything in your body that is just like your own being, bringing your being into physicality, not on the terms of anything understood, but on the terms of what you know the truth of directly.

Q: I feel I’m drawing that in very deeply.

John: Everything you have known the truth of, your body knows.

Q: When you talk about the physicality of the body, it feels different to when you talk about the deeper levels of the body or that there’s more formless, ethereal kind of bodies. Here you really mean the physicality of the body.

John: Yes, when your sexuality is connected directly to your being and not oriented to your self, the movement of your sexuality brings your being directly into your self. The movement of your sexuality awakens and aligns the levels of your self and everything in your self to your own being. It makes your sexuality the greatest human power you have. Exploit it and, with the power it inherently has, sexuality will connect everything that’s unintegrated in your self, making your self in your experience the point of everything, to the exclusion of your own being. Your body becomes conditioned by your being and its movement, and it beautifully brings your self along.

Q: I see that it’s all about proximity, proximity to awakening, proximity to you.

John: Your deeper-level relating is all coming together and coming into adolescence. Your function as a being is developing. As it does, it alters how you comprehend reality. This isn’t to put you into a direct doing. This addresses what you know. As that develops, then you know to, but not yet how. Be staid in this, and you’ll see.

Q: Thank you, John. I just really love the permission just to be staid in not knowing how, just knowing, knowing, knowing to and not knowing how. I want to just to share something I’ve always wanted to share with you, and it’s actually lyrics of a song that I heard years ago, and when I heard it, it was like, ‘that’s how I want to move.’ It’s a Leonard Cohen song and it’s these lyrics and it says: ‘I want to travel with him and I want to travel blind. And I know that I can trust him because he’s touched my perfect body with his mind.’ I just love that so much. I just love the traveling blind, the not knowing how to. When I heard that, I thought, ‘how does he know that? How does Leonard Cohen know that?’ Thank you, John.