Transcripts From Location: Poleg Beach

Consciousness & Awareness

Attention Deficit Disorder And Your Use Of Mind

Q: I have a question about ADD. When I’m studying, thoughts come and I can’t focus anymore. I am able to go within and be in my heart whilst it’s happening, but I am still not able to study.

John: Then you’re going into your heart but you’re not bringing your heart into your thinking. It’s easy for you to go into your heart. To bring your heart into your thinking is difficult. 

When you bring your heart into your thinking, that brings you into your present development in how you use your mind and your thinking...

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The Meaning Of Death

Q: When I first heard you speak about taking my death dearly to my heart, I was trembling and it was extremely provoking for me. I have been trying to do that, to embrace it and make it part of me. I know it’s all about letting go and basically being nobody in it. Would you speak more about it?

John: When your death is brought dearly into your heart, your whole relationship with your self ends as you’ve known it, and time, for you, opens...

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Consciousness & Awareness

The Purpose Of Memory

Q: I have a question about my memory. It’s getting worse all the time. I’m going to have it checked, but I’m also wondering if it’s an expression of something that’s not physical. I can see some of the benefits, like not clinging to things, but I’d love to hear you talk about this.

John: The whole purpose of memory is to manifest your being in. The moment you’re even concerned about your memory, you’re separate from your own being, and you’re making the substance of memory of greater importance than being both in your heart and in your being...

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Consciousness & Awareness

Responding To The Calling: The Promise Of A Different World

Q: My question is about the expression of the calling. How is it different from other expressions?

John: The calling is of a deeper level than any of your other levels. For the calling to come into expression, the level of the calling needs to open within your levels of expression, which changes your expression. The levels of your expression open and reveal the calling in you. 

It doesn’t reveal its information in the expression. It reveals its level, the level of the calling, in your expression...

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Pregnancy And Parenting: Making Your Heart As A Womb

Q: I’m trying to get pregnant and for a few years I’ve been having fertility treatments. It’s not happening, and I wonder how to deal with that. It feels like it’s taken everything from me.

John: It’s taken everything from you because you’re making the prospect of being pregnant mean too much. You’re giving it meaning that it doesn’t have. You’re taking meaning from everything else and giving it to the possibility, the wish, the need and the want of becoming pregnant. So working on becoming pregnant is depleting your self...

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One Touch Of Dearness: The Change Of Your Nervous System

Q: The tenderness and beauty that I know within is so easy to be in when I’m alone, and with some people it is easy. With others it’s much more difficult!

John: That’s where it matters more.

Q: There are a couple of people in my life that are pushing my buttons in a way that I have no control over, and I need your help.

John: The buttons that they push are the buttons that you don’t need...

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Consciousness & Awareness

The Marriage Of The Drop And the Ocean

Q: I feel such openness in every cell of my body. Why am I not falling like a drop into the ocean?

John: Because the drop has investments not in the ocean. The drop has things that matter to it that are not in the ocean.

When as the drop you enter the ocean, everything that was yours as the drop will belong to the ocean. When as the drop you go into the ocean, you and all that’s yours is given into the ocean. ..

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Free Of Control: Being Together In Love

Q: I want to talk to you about control. I really know I need to let go of control in my life, in particular my controlling of other people. I’m always telling my partner what to do, and not believing he’s doing his best.

John: That’s because you let your nervous system master you. You let your nervous system rule instead of you letting your gentled and quieted heart rule. 

Practically, this is like you, in the circumstances of your relationship and your life, quietly enjoying that you no longer need to be in control; you, quietly being nurtured in no longer needing control. ..

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Feeling & Emotion

Changing Your Eating Habits: A New Relationship To Food

Q: I have issues with my weight and my body. It seems like there’s a program that says when I wake in the morning “wow, you ate a lot yesterday” or things like that. I see it and I do nothing, but what I want to know is why is it still an issue?

John: Does the feedback of your body to you point to your relationship, in your body, in your self, to food? If it does, then you can come back into alignment in your relationship to food by letting it be reduced to having to do with you sustaining your body, so that your relationship with food isn’t to do with your self...

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Consciousness & Awareness

Beyond Worry And Fear: At Home In A Bombing Zone

Q: I have a hard time relaxing. Lately, we’ve been living in a combat zone near the Gaza strip and we have a lot of bombing days. Recently there was bombing in the night, with rockets falling from both sides. That night I tried to relax and also asked for your help. After some hours I suddenly felt clarity, as if I was leaving my body. I could see it from above. I could see the neighbourhood and the fighting from both sides. When bombing begins I’m usually so involved in knowing where to run, calculating where bombs will fall, how much time I have, where the nearest shelter is … but something changed last time…

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