Transcripts on Relationship


The Golden Thread Of Connectivity

Q: I need to let go of everything to be home, and when I try to hold on to something for my self, then I’m lost.  It’s okay to let go of someone who I’m holding onto because in my self I feel like that’s what I want and need in my heart. They are dear to me, but I know in my heart that it’s wrong to hold on. If I try to have my own will and make things happen through my self and for a need in my self, then I’m lost and further from home…

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Relating To A Woman’s Mystery

Q: I wanted to speak with you about my connection to women in my life. I’m used to ease in different areas in my life and looking back I see that getting in touch with women, meeting women, connecting with women had been hard for me to do even in childhood days.  There was a shift in this a couple of years ago which made me experience my self much more open, which led to a lot of encounters; experiences on my side which were quite hard to digest for me…

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Real Meeting, Real Relationship

Q: Hi John. I would like to talk with you about your concept about relationships, because I know you are very clear that first it’s a long time to get to know each other, and then marry, and then have sex. To me the last years is total, I would say, opposite, without marriage and almost without relationship. But actually something in me is longing for deep relationship. The question is how I come from this concept to the other?

John: A real relationship is based on the two of you meeting...

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Quieted In The Power Of Sexuality

Q: I am in this retreat and I’m surrounded by all these beautiful women and I’m wanting, wanting, wanting. Whether I want it to or not, it’s there.

John: You cannot act on it. Just because you want something, that doesn’t mean you have to do something about it. Patterns continue while you are still.

Q: It seems like it’s a narrow space between either acting something out or suppressing it or somehow getting tense inside and being not okay with it…

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Quiet Wonderment In Sexuality

John: Going underground is you responding to what you know but don’t yet understand. That brings you into what is unseen underneath your self, deeper within than your self, and then growing from there like a seed. Eventually what grows comes up into your self. It isn’t first understood and seen. It is known and relaxed into. At first it is sheltered from your experience. It comes into your experience after it has taken root, making the experience not based on what you’re accustomed to in your self, and it will change your self because you are rooted in and coming from what is deeper...

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Present in a Hug, and Healed

Q: I want to thank you for that connection we had on Saturday night and your continued loving support of me and my wife as a couple. I’ve asked you on numerous occasions to help me move through difficulty or find a way to overcome challenges and of course you’re able to do that in ways I don’t understand but I know it’s happening.

I saw that I completely reattached to what I was before an event that happened when I was about seven. I realized how much I vastly loved my mother when I was a little boy and just as much how I formed a hate for her…

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Deeper Level Sameness

Q: I would really like to continue the conversation we had earlier about relationship, when you said that in a dear relationship you move as one heart. Is it that a new heart is being created from the two of us?

John: Yes, similar to that. He was the ‘husband of’. Now you are the ‘wife of’. Next, the two of you are husband and wife on a completely different level. Before he was the ‘husband of’ your awakening. Now you are the ‘wife of’ his awakening: you stepped in, he stepped in…

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How to Bring Purity Into Your Heart

Q: Last week you spoke about purity and it struck me because I don’t feel very pure and I remember the saying in the Catholic church about being pure in thought, word, and deed, and when I look at myself and the places I’ve been and the things I’ve done over the years, I feel that those scars are permanent in my self and that I can never undo them and they somehow taint where I’m at or they’re still hangovers of those things around, and when I look at my baby boy, I see his purity and when I look at my own being, I see that it’s immaculate and pristine and impeccable, but I don’t know how to marry those together and the more that I’m with my son, it’s like it just shines a light on where I’m not, and so there’s been a lot of things lately with the seminar and it just brings up everything…

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Softness of Heart Reaching Into Life

Q: Your talk about beauty touched something deep within. My whole childhood I felt ugly. Now I’m beginning to experience more beauty inside and outside. I’ve never felt a victim. I developed certain patterns that helped along the way. Trust is quite a big issue and I’m gradually gaining more trust now. Being in a good relationship has helped a lot. I’d like advice on how not to listen to patterns when they come up.

John: Your patterning is your conditioning, conditioning through inheritance or through choices you’ve made…

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Bringing Every Pattern Into Its Own Fire

Q: John, I wanted to thank you for your response to my question last time you were here; it’s helped me a lot. What I wanted to ask today was for some help. I find that I have a lot of fear and a lot of confusion around relationships. I feel like I’ve been going around and around in circles for years.

John: You could completely leave relationship alone until you become the kind of person you would most want to be in relationship with…

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