Transcripts From Location: Edmonton

Enlightenment & Awakening

On Awareness And Darkness

Q: I wanted to talk to you about darkness. I’m curious if darkness is included in all of this or if it just lives in the self. We talk about ancient and it feels like darkness is also ancient. Is it something that needs to be moved away from, or it’s included or I should include it?

John: Include the darkness from that within you which has nothing to do with the darkness.

Q: And does the light have more value than darkness, or is it equal and they both live here?..

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Meaning of Life

Love is Unaccomplished

Q: It’s not easy for me to be here, even though I have a deeper knowing to be here. I see the amazing effect that it has on my connection with my wife. I see what you do, direct and indirect, and still for me it’s totally not about you. You’re just sitting in front of the portal. My goal is to walk innocent as a baby, as I am, in the vast,  but what’s the point for me to be here right now?

John: Because you knew…

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Enlightenment & Awakening

Being Without Time And Certainty

Q: What came to me was that in being there is no time in the way that we know it, and somehow that’s related to what you said about the illusion of certainty. I know, somewhere, that has to do with having a real relationship with time. Is it also to do with the illusion around what death is? It’s like when you said to me in the informal meeting that in any relating to a filter or a boundary, there’s time. Did you mean that’s part of the whole illusion of what time is?..

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Enlightenment & Awakening

Into the Chrysalis

Q: When I checked the conversation I had with you last, you were always encouraging me to go deeper and I was always resisting, saying some excuse. Before, I never had this kind of attitude toward truth. I had an uncompromising attitude toward truth. My priority in my life was truth and nothing else. But since I obtained complete surrender with you in the summer seminar, I got very satisfied and happy, and the seeker in me disappeared, but I started to develop some kind of fear. I think it’s based on misunderstanding, like, if I go more deeper I might want to get sucked into some kind of black hole and disappear completely…

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Meaning of Life

Being a Reachable, Visible, Touchable Heart

Q: Hi, John. I’m home, but how do I stay this when I’m not here? What best serves me?

John: By not using your person or even your self for your being there. In your life your being a person separates you from your self, and your being a self separates you from your heart. When you’re being a person you are immoveable. When you’re being a self you are moveable but not easily touchable. When you are being your heart you are all touchable…

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Present in a Hug, and Healed

Q: I want to thank you for that connection we had on Saturday night and your continued loving support of me and my wife as a couple. I’ve asked you on numerous occasions to help me move through difficulty or find a way to overcome challenges and of course you’re able to do that in ways I don’t understand but I know it’s happening.

I saw that I completely reattached to what I was before an event that happened when I was about seven. I realized how much I vastly loved my mother when I was a little boy and just as much how I formed a hate for her…

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Enlightenment & Awakening

Seeing Your Self as it is

Q: What brought me to the chair today was to come from what I am, having broken enough ground to have you pour into it and to come from that with you, here. The part that I thought would be here more is being in my heart so that when all of the ‘it’s too big for me’ parts start to come in, they’re not too big for me anymore, and it just becomes a joy to let in that expansiveness. At times it’s a flow it’s broken and patchy but it’s still there…

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Feeling & Emotion

Deeper Sense

Q: What do you mean by ‘deeper sense’?

John: A deeper sense is a non-cognitive process and it’s also not a common sense. A deeper sense is when something is not clear with a cognitive sense or common sense, so you go to a deeper sense. If you don’t have clarity about something on any level and you need to have some clarity, then you go to a deeper sense. It’s a level in which you’ll have very little to go by but just a touch of something in one direction…

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How to Bring Purity Into Your Heart

Q: Last week you spoke about purity and it struck me because I don’t feel very pure and I remember the saying in the Catholic church about being pure in thought, word, and deed, and when I look at myself and the places I’ve been and the things I’ve done over the years, I feel that those scars are permanent in my self and that I can never undo them and they somehow taint where I’m at or they’re still hangovers of those things around, and when I look at my baby boy, I see his purity and when I look at my own being, I see that it’s immaculate and pristine and impeccable, but I don’t know how to marry those together and the more that I’m with my son, it’s like it just shines a light on where I’m not, and so there’s been a lot of things lately with the seminar and it just brings up everything…

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Feeling & Emotion

At the Very Centre of Emotion

Q: Hello, John. I’ve been pondering about a few issues and in a way I do think they are all related and I would like to bring them to you and to ask for some clarity about it. The first is being in your proximity versus following-through what I know, and I would like to say a bit about where my question comes from. When I need you, I am aware that there are several depths, so to speak, where you come from. Here in the meetings I would dare to say that where you come from I would…yeah…for me that would be greater reality…

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