Transcripts on Sexuality


Real Lovemaking Engages All Your Chakras

Q: Does lovemaking always address the base and the sexual chakra, or are others also addressed?

John: Yes – all of them. For real lovemaking you need all your chakras.

If your crown isn’t opening what are you making love for that has to do with what is way bigger than your self?

Regarding your throat chakra, are you communicating everything that’s inside of you? Even if you’re not communicating in words, you’re moving what’s clear in your self...

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Your Relationship With Sexuality Is Your Relationship With Power.

Q: A few days ago, I became aware how much energy, how much awareness is going towards sexuality. It touched me deep to see that. Here I come on this border of pulling and wanting. Sometimes I can see very clear, but I also know, I get confused there as well.

John: Your relationship with sexuality is your relationship with power. Your sexuality is something for you to completely be in without a trace of need, and that is you being in your power without using your power...

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Sexuality Moving And Magnifying

Q: I’ve been introduced to many movements inside of love. There was a movement of love that was new for me, originating from lower in the body and had more of a sexual feeling to it than any movement before. I identified it as sexual in the informal meeting. I asked you whether there would be any difference in how sexuality moves in a man as compared to a woman, and you told me it needs to become rather like a swell than like the waves on top of the ocean…

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What You Know Integrates Your Sexual Appetites

Q: I want to ask something about sexuality. You talked about need and want, and it is a bit confusing. I’m in a relationship, and I don’t know if I have want, but I feel for it more than my partner. He seems not to naturally like it. In the beginning I was pushing it to happen and then it happened when I’m pushing it, but not all the time. I feel it in my body, the wanting.

John: You’re a little bit upside down in the sense that your sexuality belongs to your self, to what you want and need, whereas the truth of your sexuality is that it doesn’t belong to your self...

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Conveying Deeper Sexuality

Q: I have a question about sexuality. My question is how, as a parent, to guide an adolescent in a correct way, in a good way, into their sexual power?

John: Sexuality is for communion, but it’s typicallly related to as an appetite. Its introduction awakens a physical appetite. What it is really for is for meeting and for communion. Sexuality is really for the communication of your being, the communication of all of your deeper levels, through your heart, into your self and through your body…

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Quieted in Your Sexuality

Q: I had a dream I want to share. There were two men that wanted to kill me and I did everything I could to hide, to escape. I stole a car and left them behind. Finally I found the place very remote and hidden where I was safe, and the men were waiting for me, and said, ‘hello, here you are.’ I knew they were going to kill me, and I knew I was able to stop the dream, but there was some kind of curiosity to see how it would go and they killed me…

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Making Real Human Love

Q: Yesterday I decided to really take to heart that you don’t need your self or your past to make love. I found that my body, deeper levels in my self, kept opening and opening, there was a point where there was a barrier and I just kept going, opening and opening and moving through this apparent barrier, and when I did that, I experienced complete ecstasy, and at the same time I started to cry and it was like my heart was breaking for everything I’d taken to heart or believed to stop me going where I went…

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A Shift in What is Human

Q: John, I remember you said for me to gather up all the different seeds of awakening that I’ve been in and to be staid in them. In the meeting it felt like everything gathered in, and it was like I was in my perfect body of knowledge. There was no connection anymore with the stains in myself. My whole perspective was turned inside out and I was in this perfect body of knowledge, and when I’m in it, I see that even when I drop out of it, that the body of knowledge is perfect…

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Quieted in your Heart in the Midst of the Fire of your Sexuality

Q: Something that’s been coming up for me recently is my connection with women, and how there’s a fire in some of the connections. I know that fire can be good, but just not letting it overtake me.

John: If you reference your self in it, it will overtake your self. Be quieted in your heart in the midst of that fire, without directing the fire anywhere in your self, without making the fire less or without having any apology for the fire, and it will in time connect directly to your being because of what you’re connecting to in your heart…

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