Manifesting You – Deeply and Warmly Complete

WHEN: April 5, 2016 Afternoon Meeting

Q: My question is about love. I know to give love, and that’s easy for me around children and women, but when I’m in a deep relationship with a man it shifts and I want to receive love, which doesn’t work. I don’t understand why the giving of love stops in this way.

John: It’s also really the same with others; it just doesn’t show as much. The lack is not just there with men. It’s there with everything. For you, it just manifests more quickly with men.

If you’re being what’s deepest within, so you’re beginning within a point that’s already complete and you sustain being that, that completeness will manifest within everything in your life. It’ll manifest in every relationship.

Q: What do I have to manifest?

John: What you are. To move in life is to move in manifestation. Everyone is always manifesting. It’s what you’re being within that becomes manifest, so if you’re beginning with something that’s already complete, then completeness shows up on the surface in everything in your life because that’s what you’re coming from; that’s what you are being.

If what you’re being within is less than complete, you’ll manifest that incompleteness, in some way, in everything in your life. That incompleteness is going to show up for you within one area of your life or your self more than others. For you it shows up more in your relationship with a man but it isn’t really that, it’s just where it shows up more strongly. Wherever it shows up tells you that it is really there everywhere.

Q: So I don’t feel complete in myself and that is manifesting outside of me?

John: Yes. Not so much that you don’t feel complete, but that what you are being within is not complete. You’re beginning with something that is incomplete. The more deeply you come from within, the more that what you are being within is complete, and that shows up within everything in your self and in your life.

Q: So as a little child I was complete and I still am complete, but my thoughts tell me otherwise. Is that what you mean?

John: When what you’re being within is deeply and warmly OK as is, when you are fundamentally warmed within without anything having to be a certain way in your experience, then this depth of warmth is going to show up within all of your experience.

Q: I see. Thank you.

To listen to the audio from this meeting visit the Silkeborg, Denmark Audio Highlights page.

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