In The Passageway To A Future Self

WHEN: January 18, 2015 Afternoon Meeting

Q: I’d like to talk about flow that is coming out of my head. Am I correct when I say that ability is coming from there?

John: (Nods)

Q: I also told you, a few years ago, that I had these abilities and you said to me “it’s too much for you.” You said it differently, but basically “just keep your hands off,” and so now I’m asking you, am I safe?

John: Yes.

Q: I know new abilities are there, but I don’t know what they are, or how to take care of that, how to be with that?

John: Be in it when it is there and where it is.

Q: You said to me to not not to do anything with it, but just to be aware of that movement, then I’ll be with it. Right?

John: You know what you’re talking about, so it doesn’t matter much how you say it. You’re now in what opened in you years ago.

Q: Because I’m more home?

John: (Nods)

Q: Is there anything that you see that I can still take better care of?

John: Apprehend all that apprehends you.

Q: So in recognizing what’s grows, it has possibility to grow?

John: As you realize newness and newness plugs into you, you plug-in directly to what you’re knowing. Your thinking and your self aren’t big enough for what you’re plugging into. As you plug into what you’re realizing and what you know, you’re going to be moving past your normal thinking. You won’t be relating to your self, which is going to change your self.

Q: Especially my brain, right? My brain needs to be a little bit different, I think.

John: If you’re going to think at all of your self in this, let it not be of your present self but of your future self. In what you’re opening to, your future self is in sight. It is a little bit in view. If you relate to your present self, you can’t see it. While you are in what’s opening in you, think of your future self and you can see it, and that lets your present self be behind you. There’s a passageway between your present self and your future self. Be in that passageway. Live in that passageway.

Q: Is this the passageway?

John: Yes

Q: It’s a little bit like falling into the future.

John: It’s a different level of space and time. It isn’t space and time as you know it in your self. The passageway is a configuration of your deeper levels, with you moving as that configuration. You’re not just in it; you’re moving as it.

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