How to Bring Purity Into Your Heart

WHEN: July 2, 2014 Evening Meeting

Q: Last week you spoke about purity and it struck me because I don’t feel very pure and I remember the saying in the Catholic church about being pure in thought, word, and deed, and when I look at myself and the places I’ve been and the things I’ve done over the years, I feel that those scars are permanent in my self and that I can never undo them and they somehow taint where I’m at or they’re still hangovers of those things around, and when I look at my baby boy, I see his purity and when I look at my own being, I see that it’s immaculate and pristine and impeccable, but I don’t know how to marry those together and the more that I’m with my son, it’s like it just shines a light on where I’m not, and so there’s been a lot of things lately with the seminar and it just brings up everything. I want to know how to bring purity into my heart.

John: Purity of heart begins with you from within your self being in full response to your heart without the need of addressing anything in your self. That makes you within your heart available to be in full response to what you know in your heart. Your full response to what you know in your heart brings you into your being. All of this full response brings your heart into purification. It displaces what you have taken to heart concerning your self. You being in full response to your heart, to be in your heart, to what you know in your heart, and to be what you know in your heart, creates the opening in your heart to your being.

Through that opening you enter your being, you stream into your being and your being streams into your heart, fulfilling the final displacement of your self in your heart. Your heart is clean because your being is in it. All of that without any change in your self, any focus of change in your self. The filling of your heart is from your being because of you entering it, you entering your being, by being what you know in your heart. Then your being can begin to fill your self, your experience. The infilling of your heart is by your being. The infilling of your self is by your heart. When it is your heart, your being filled heart which fills your self, your identity in your self and the importance in your self are displaced by your heart having all of the space in your self. The purification of your self comes from the overflow of the purity in your heart.

Q: And what enables this is my love of what I know?

John: For the sake of what you know. That makes you in your heart just like your being. When you are just like your being, you have entrance to your own being. You naturally move as your being. That movement brings your being, the deeper levels in your being, into your heart. What fills your heart is what fills your self. When you take your self to heart, you fill your heart with your self. It makes your self all important. Your self, believed because you take it to heart, allows the patterning and the conditioning in your self to have more form in your self. That taken to heart makes your heart worse than what it was before, when it was filled with your self.

Q: Can you say that again?

John: That makes your heart worse because what fills your heart of your self is worse. As you continue to take your self to heart, your self worsens. It becomes the exclusive home of your patterning and your conditioning.

Q: Well, that’s what’s happening.

John: When you take to heart what you know in your heart, awareness relaxes. In the relaxation of awareness, awareness returns to being like its own being. and the infilling of the heart by your being occurs a tiny little bit. As you continue in response to what you know in your heart, the filling of your heart with your being continues and that cleans your heart. It cleans your self out of your heart. When your self is cleaned out of your heart, your self rests. Your self, no longer in your heart, is no longer the provider, is no longer made to be the provider of
meaning in your heart. It’s no longer held to do what it isn’t able to do. It rests.

The resting of your self makes room for what is filling your heart. Your being-filled heart has room in your self. It’s free to come into your self. As it does, it cleans your self. It cleans your self of the beliefs that you’ve installed in your self.

Q: Is there something I can do in my relationship, with my wife and son, that will facilitate this more? Maybe I’m looking for something practical I can bring to the table without involving my self.

John: Let your response to her be entirely defined not by anything in your self, but by your full response to you being in your heart and you being what you know in your heart. That makes your response to her like your response to your being. In that, her self is as incidental to you as your self is incidental to you. You can see her being as you respond to your own being.

Q: Will that allow me to read her more? Because I don’t think I’m reading her very well.

John: You won’t first be reading what matters to her. You’ll be reading what matters to what she knows in her heart. What you read won’t suit her self but, when she’s quieted in her heart, what you read reaches her. It reaches her in her heart, and the two of you are together.

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