Transcripts From Location: Chiemsee


The End Of A Relationship: At Rest In Your Heart

Q: My question is about how to be in the ending of a relationship. My partner has decided it’s not right for him to be with me and I’m ready to let go, to see the good in what is there between us and just to be with the pain as it is. Yet there is also the pain of desire and longing, and a feeling of not being good enough. This has happened lots of times in my life. How can I just have the goodness without having to prove that there is something wrong with the situation?..

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Conveying Deeper Sexuality

Q: I have a question about sexuality. My question is how, as a parent, to guide an adolescent in a correct way, in a good way, into their sexual power?

John: Sexuality is for communion, but it’s typicallly related to as an appetite. Its introduction awakens a physical appetite. What it is really for is for meeting and for communion. Sexuality is really for the communication of your being, the communication of all of your deeper levels, through your heart, into your self and through your body…

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Deeper Level Sameness

Q: I would really like to continue the conversation we had earlier about relationship, when you said that in a dear relationship you move as one heart. Is it that a new heart is being created from the two of us?

John: Yes, similar to that. He was the ‘husband of’. Now you are the ‘wife of’. Next, the two of you are husband and wife on a completely different level. Before he was the ‘husband of’ your awakening. Now you are the ‘wife of’ his awakening: you stepped in, he stepped in…

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